Each representative of the beautiful half of humanity has a passion, which gives them a unique feminine character. And largely thanks to the chest part, this part of the body is emphasized, and in some cases, it is also a good way to adjust the physique. Since ancient times, women have been searching for different ways to emphasize and improve it smoothly. For example breast augmentation with self fat.
There have been standards of beauty in all times and our modern life has its own set of rules - you need to be sexy, that is to have a swollen mammary gland. And now every woman has started striving for this, for the sake of this, she's trying to get the help of specialists. But again, you should be careful, since breast health is just as important as its beauty!
What are the modifications, the indications and contraindications, as well as some other important points we will try to reveal in the subject of this article.
What do women think themselves?
What is my opinion on breast augmentation surgery? Many ladies, when they learned of such a miraculous method, were cautious. On many forums, some women questioned whether fat will melt over time? Is the effect permanent or temporary?
At the same time, according to self-fat breast augmentation reviews, opinions differ significantly. And the main reason for this difference lies in the professionalism and extensive experience of the adipose tissue transplant and treatment specialist. If the lip filling procedure is performed by a highly qualified doctor, the risk of complications is minimal or absent.
Best alternative to silicone
From an anatomical point of view, a woman's breast consists not only of the mammary gland but also fat cells (fat cells). This is due to the later that the breasts gain the necessary mass. And the larger its size, the more adipose tissue there is. For this reason, a surgery like fat filling is a more natural technique to correct the shape of the breast.

Adipose tissue for breast augmentation surgery is obtained from problem areas. Women's psychology is designed in the way that excess fat accumulates in the abdomen, thighs, buttocks, and legs, making these parts of the body unattractive. They act as givers, while the mammary glands themselves are the recipients.
In essence, fat transplantation (LF) is a procedure that increases volume, fixes and removes breast defects using a natural filler (filler). And in fact, it is autologous adipose tissue. At the same time, it is possible not only to restore attractiveness, but also to restore some function of the breast after a surgery associated with a lump.
Also, be aware that silicone prostheses can cause allergic reactions in some women.
Benefits of fat loading
There are many comments about your self-fat breast augmentation. And many of them emphasize all the advantages of this procedure. What exactly are the advantages of such an operation? Let's analyze everything in more detail.
As you might have guessed, simple grease filling is ideally combined with another equally important fix - liposuction. Not only can you change the shape and volume of your breasts, but you can also improve problem areas. And this is already a significant advantage!
And if you think this procedure is completely safe, then you are unlikely to get an allergy from your own adipose tissue. The intrinsic relevance of the technology is an obstacle in the pathway of introducing transplanted fats into the masses.
Other benefits of liposuction surgery:
- There are no stitches or scars due to low injury level.
- There are virtually no side effects.
- Surgery can be performed with local anesthesia.
- Able to edit any part of the body or face.
- After the liposuction procedure, the breast remains visually and tactically natural.
- The recovery time lasts no more than several hours.
- The results are lifelong.
Because adipose tissue contains stem cells (and in large numbers) a rejuvenating effect is achieved. But such a procedure has a flip side, which will be discussed later.
The reverse of the coin

Among the negative aspects one can consider the fact that surgical intervention is also required to remove adipose tissue, as it also needs to be obtained from somewhere. Also, if a woman has a slim body it is unlikely that such a procedure will be of any benefit to her.
There is also a certain nuance - this is a problem regarding adhesion of adipose tissue with the conditions of the new location. Biological material is implanted into the mammary glands for breast augmentation because fat does not always become a single whole to it. And in some cases, it becomes a lump, when the action must be redone.
Also, if you have a desire to lose weight, then breast adipose tissue will become the first target. It is from this section that the reabsorption begins.
Who can do it
As we all know, fat filling is the only safe trick to restore the shape and size of the breast by filling the missing part. Due to such surgery, the cosmetic defect resulting from previous surgical intervention (if necessary) will be removed. In addition, after partial resection, it is not possible to recover with transplant.
Also, thanks to the filling of fat, you can make both breasts symmetrical. For some reason, it happens that one of the mammary glands (right or left) is smaller.
Also, liposuction can be helpful in other cases:
- Loss of shape and firmness due to pregnancy and lactation.
- Lack of tissue for implant placement.
- It is the patient's desire to increase the volume and correct the shape of the breast.
Yes, if a woman does not like her shape and she wants to have her mammary gland fixed, but does not want to use artificial implants, then liposuction is the only right choice. However, here you should first make sure that there are no contraindications to such a procedure.
When should I abstain?

Since fat injection is a surgical intervention (even if it is for the sake of the body and work), the body is under stress. And this applies not only to the psychological aspect (although in the photo the lip lift looks good), but also to the visual element. For this reason, a preliminary consultation with the surgeon is performed, the necessary tests performed.
Absolute contraindications are:
- The special position of the woman and the lactation period.
- Neoplasms of any kind.
- Weakened immunity.
- HIV or AIDS.
- Presence of infectious diseases.
- Exacerbations of chronic diseases.
- Overweight.
- Diseases of the cardiovascular system.
- Hormonal imbalances.
- Blood clotting disorder.
- Pregnancy planning.
The doctor may identify other diseases, then make the necessary decision: to refuse surgery or delay the procedure for a more appropriate time. Also need to limit fat intake during menstruation.
Something could happen
Almost any surgical intervention has its own risk. And breast augmentation with self-fat is no exception. This is a rather complicated procedure, however, despite the professionalism of the specialist and the compliance with all the necessary conditions, the appearance of side effects and complications can still occur. .
Absorption of adipose tissue
In most cases this cannot be avoided, but fortunately, the breast doesn't lose much volume. Only in extremely rare cases does adipose tissue dissolve completely. And this is again due to stress: the body gets used to the state before the liposuction procedure, and after the intervention it can react negatively, trying to return a feeling of comfort to normal. This risk is significantly increased if you do not follow your doctor's recommendations for wearing underwear and medication.
It can also lead to some complications. Due to the movement of fats, seals can form, and if you do not consult your doctor promptly, tumor growth can occur.

What else could your own lipoplasty lead to? Due to the uneven dissolution of adipose tissue, pitting and swelling appear, not only with the naked eye but also recognizable. Fortunately, this condition only negatively affects appearance, only in very rare cases can the health problem be present. In this case, your doctor may prescribe restorative medication to rule out the result of an increase or repeat the procedure.
In some cases, individual adipose tissue dies, saturated with calcium salts. Then calcification nodules (hard lumps) form that make it difficult to have a breast health exam. They are also uncomfortable to the touch.
The reabsorption of fat mass changes not only the volume of the breast, but also its shape. And as a result of this heterogeneity of the process, the proportion of mammary glands is violated.
Inflammatory process
In addition, it is impossible to rule out the development of inflammation after surgery, for certain reasons. One of them is an infection of the mammary gland during surgery. In many ways, this shows the incompetence and unprofessionalism of the person performing the fat intake.
If this happens, another surgery should be done to remove the fat and inflammation. Another cause is related to the non-compliance with pre-operative hygiene, when the cosmetic part is left in the chest cavity. And since these are chemical particles, the body reacts to their presence accordingly: it tries to eliminate them, seeing a threat. As a result, inflammation occurs.
After self-fat breast augmentation, when individual cells die, they break down into components. Sometimes, instead of calmly eliminating such "trash", the body sees it as a serious danger. As a result, an inflammatory process develops in the area of dead cells. You can get rid of them with the help of special preparations. Treatment must be started promptly, otherwise it will seriously threaten the health of the woman.
Other consequences
Other possible complications after breast correction:
- Swellingis a side effect of any breast surgery. However, the edema disappears within 7 days, is not a serious threat and does not require special treatment. At the same time, if the swelling is large, this should not be ignored. Most often, their appearance is associated with failure to comply with the surgeon's recommendations after surgery, consuming too much liquid or spicy food.
- Hematomas- they definitely appear when the vessel is injured, which occurs under the action of fat accumulating in the chest. As a result, this leads to bruising. As a rule, they also disappear within a week, in rare cases two.
- Fibrosisis the result of injecting too much adipose tissue into the breast. The connective tissue, located between the glands and fat, thickens, and the process is accompanied by pain and quite severe. When touched, this is manifested by bumps or other abnormalities and fibrosis is sometimes visible on visual examination.
And since the occurrence of many complications in most cases is related to the lack of professionalism of the doctor, it is necessary to select clinics that they approach responsibly for liposuction. . Reviews of women who have gone through such a process would be a kind of a guarantee or a useful recommendation.
Preparing phase

If a woman decides to enlarge her breasts by introducing her own adipose tissue, then there is nothing one can do without preliminary preparation. During the first appointment, the doctor will examine the patient, thereby assessing her general condition, identifying problem areas, and assigning an area to collect necessary materials.
This is followed by a physical exam, which includes the delivery of tests (blood, urine), ECG. In addition, a woman needs to get permission from her therapist to perform a surgery. Just before the procedure, you need to regain your strength and rest. Do not take aspirin, tobacco, and alcohol for the 14 days before your surgery.
Grease filling technology
On the one hand, such a process looks easy: you take a biological material and place it in the breast cavity. In fact, things are not as simple as you might think, the results directly depend on the implementation technology, which can be conditionally divided into 2 main stages:
- Get the document.As a rule, experts pay attention to the thighs, buttocks, and abdominal wall (as noted above). This is done with a curettage 3-4 mm in diameter, connected to a syringe. Half of the pressure difference is created, by which the fat cells are absorbed.
- Implantation.Vacuum fat tissue is centrifuged, then it is inserted into the mammary gland. Here, it is necessary to strictly control the process, eliminate the penetration of fat into the parenchyma. And since 50% of grafted fat is absorbed, to get the desired results from the self-fat breast augmentation procedure, one has to take almost 2 times the amount needed.
The main thing is that the donor tissue retains its viability during collection and after transplantation to a new site.
Expert Recommendation

To minimize all risks after surgery, you need to follow your doctor's simple rules. During the first 24 hours, pain, bruising, and redness will appear. Do not be afraid of this, this phenomenon is normal. After a week or two, they will go away on their own. With the successful surgery results, the patient can go home on the second day. As for the recovery period, it can take a week.
For the first few days, avoid strenuous physical activity and limit movement of your upper arms and torso. If the pain is severe, you need to take pain relievers. Compression underwear is required. You can start sports no earlier than 2 months after the liposuction procedure. And you should limit intimacy for a week.
Good hygiene is essential to avoid the risk of fat accumulation after breast augmentation surgery. And after each water treatment, punctures should be treated with alcohol or iodine solution. Doctors prescribe antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs to reduce the unwanted risks.